Nice article at CNN/Money regarding credit scores:
CNN/Money: "8 Credit Score Myths"
Even more interesting to me is the survey data released by the Consumer Federation of America.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Credit Score Article
— Posted by Michael @ 12:42 PM

I am sure you know you can get your credit report free now once a year.
Do we owe it to lawmaker stupidity or credit bureau lobbying power that the report DOESNT INCLUDE YOUR SCORE!
Well, we can't get the free reports in my part of the country just yet. But it's coming soon.
I'm quite certain the fact that the reports don't include scores has more than a little to do with credit bureau whining: "If we don't sell people information about themselves any longer, then can we at least still sell them their scores?"
But hey ... at least we can get the rest of the report without cost. That's worth something.
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