"Would you be better off someplace else?" asks Salary.com. Take a stab at finding out with their handy-dandy ...
Cost-of-Living Calculator
I know of at least one similar calculator on the 'net. The one at Salary.com is superior, in my opinion.
Speaking of Salary.com, they've also released their June 2005 edition of "TV Dads' Salaries." Such a list might mean more to me if I actually watched TV (other than news and sports, with an occasional dusting of The Simpsons). However, since one of Juliet Schor's main theories in The Overspent American is that many Americans tend to try to emulate the lifestyles of the families they see on TV, this might have some significance:
Salary.com: "TV Dads: Real-Life Salaries Nearly $200,000"
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Cost of Living Calculator
— Posted by Michael @ 11:56 PM

I live in the Baltimore metro area... and I was looking for someplace to move. I couldn't find a single location on this calculator where I wouldn't have lost money. I never realized our cost of living to salary ratio was that good. Guess I'd better stay.
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