Sunday, July 10, 2005

Monthly Wrap-Up: June 2005

June is in the books. Here's how my household's finances looked after the smoke cleared:

Monthly Wrap-Up: June 2005

— Posted by Michael @ 11:40 PM


Theres a difference between your assets and net worth in your table. Is that including a home?


You had an impressive month. Most people that get three paychecks in one month just look at it as a windfall to spend. It's nice to be among "like" thinkers that can appreciate how the extra cash can increase your net worth.


Everybody Loves Your Money



There are some assets I don't list individually in my month-end summaries. Yes, the equity in our home is one of them. I don't list our three cars' values, and I don't factor possessions and "stuff" at all in my calcs of net worth.


I know what you mean. That third paycheck in the three-paycheck months tends to be seen as "extra" money by my coworkers, too. Just makes me shake my head in amazement.

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