No, I'm not comatose. Or dead. I had to knock out a last-minute book review for Cheapskate Monthly last weekend, and I just haven't had any other worthy writing ideas in the last week or so. It can be tough, after all, to find fresh ideas in the personal finance realm sometimes. Especially when you have all these talented bloggers continually beating you to the publishing punch.
But never fear: I've just posted my July 2005 monthly status over on the main site. If you were having trouble sleeping before now, well, grab a comfy seat. One read of my household's oh-so-turbulent financial status, and you should be good to go.
And if anyone would like to slap my wrist regarding my "personal 'Latte Factor'" as mentioned in that article, then be my guest.
Betcha I can take it.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Monthly Wrap-Up: July 2005
— Posted by Michael @ 12:03 AM

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