Saturday, November 19, 2005

Guess Whose Site Is In a Book?

Ummm ... how 'bout mine? :)

That's right. Check page 55 of Mary Hunt's latest book, Live Your Life for Half the Price, and what you'll find is a snippet of text that refers readers to my mirror URL (

Mary happens to be discussing price books on that page, and she lets folks know that my Excel page has a free price book spreadsheet available for download.

And my internet baby is also listed on page 292, along with a ton of other websites, in the book's "Resources" list.

Yeah, it's a small thing. But I'm still fairly proud. :)

— Posted by Michael @ 7:45 PM


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Heck Yeah! I would be proud too. Congratulations. Ever thought about writing your own book?





Yeah, I've considered it. Problem is, the market is flooded with personal-finance books, and I'm not sure what I could contribute.

I figure that there probably IS a book in my future — it's something I've imagined doing since I was a kid — but I haven't stumbled across its genesis yet.


Congrats Michael! you sure deserve it :) I've gotten huge value out of your site

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