The 51st edition of the Carnival of Personal Finance
is up and runnin' at Mapgirl's Fiscal Challenge.
For what it's worth, the inclusion of my Opening a Child's ING DIRECT Account" article marks my first contribution to a blog carnival of any sort.
You'd figure that, with as long as I've been toiling away on this blog, I would've gotten off my duff and joined the Carnival crowd by now.
If anything, this proves without a doubt that I can procrastinate just as easily as the next guy.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Carnival of Personal Finance, No. 51
— Posted by Michael @ 12:57 PM

Thanks for contributing and thanks for the link! You can sign up to host now that you've submitted. Though it's not for the lazy. Somehow I managed to get off my duff too.
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