Thursday, November 09, 2006

Upcoming: Single Best Investment

Got you to look, didn't I? Well, if I knew what it was, I probably wouldn't be telling the world.

But other, more-generous souls might — which is where this book comes in.

Like other financial bloggers, I occasionally receive copies of books from publishers and agents who ask for, in return, nothing more than a review of the work.

Reviewing books is nothing new for me (note all my previous financial book reviews), although it is something I haven't done in a while. (In market parlance, one could say that I'm bearish on free time.)

With any luck, I'll soon be reviewing Lowell Miller's The Single Best Investment: Creating Wealth With Dividend Growth and posting it amongst my stash of other reviews. So far, I've found the book to be very readable, and quite interesting. Maybe not earth-shattering, especially to those of you who are familiar with the various benefits of dividend-paying stocks, but that doesn't mean it's not a valuable read.

There was a time — the mid- to late-90's, actually — when I absolutely devoured stock-market and investment book after book. Peter Lynch ... Warren Buffett .. and then on to 500-pound tomes covering chart-reading and technical analysis. Ahh ... such fond Bubble memories.

[EDIT: You can now read my Single Best Investment review.]

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— Posted by Michael @ 8:04 PM


Looking forward to the review... so the single best investment is... plastics. Right?


Of course.

But shush, would you? If the world finds out, our profits will be shot.


Book about conservative low risk investing on dividends strategy and compounding, that's it, nothing more. I don't have so much time to wait...


Michael, I enjoy reading your financial musings...was interested that you read ideas by Warren Buffett in the 90s -- I just came across some of Benjamin Graham’s principles on another site, and I think they apply to all aspects of investing, even in foreign stocks. You probably know them already, but you seem like you would agree that these seven principles on buying stocks that I believe are worth hearing sharing:

1. The companies should be soundly managed.
2. The companies have demonstrated earning capacity with a likelihood that this will continue.
3. The companies should have consistently high returns.
4. The companies should have a prudent approach to debt.
5. The businesses of the companies should be simple and investors should have an understanding of the companies.
6. Assuming that all these thresholds are satisfied, the investment should only be made at a reasonable price, with a margin of safety.

Thanks for listening! -- Jack Doueck

Jack Doueck
Stillwater Asset Backed Strategies
Stillwater Capital



Those six principles are golden. The difficulty, of course, comes in finding companies that meet them.

Especially #6.

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