- Text-link ads without the “nofollow” attribute.
- Permanent links of any kind.
- Advertising terms of longer than six months.
- Third-party content w/embedded keyword links.
Are you interested in advertising on Money Musings?
Site-wide, IYM receives an average of 55,000 to 62,000 unique-IP visitors per four-week period. If you’d like to reach viewers with a keen interest in topics relating to personal finance, debt, saving, and investing, then advertising on IYM might be just what you’re looking for.
Text Ads
I do accept text ads. However, as of November 1, 2007, all new text-link advertising campaigns will require the “nofollow” attribute on every purchased hyperlink.
Advertising Rates
Advertising through IYM/Money Musings offers flexibility and highly-focused traffic. Ads may be placed for terms of one to six months.
Here are Money Musingss current rate cards, which list the more-popular options available. Please note that six-month terms carry a 10% discount over the standard monthly rates.
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Payment Methods
I accept direct-advertising payments via Paypal and Google Checkout. Additionally, I am happy to set up recurring subscription payments through Paypal if requested.
Unsuitable Ads
At this time, I do not accept:
I reserve the right to decline any advertising which I determine to be inappropriate for presentation on Money Musings.
Purchase and Questions
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Interested in advertising on a specific page, or in a specific manner, inside IYM?
Ready to order?
Just drop me a line! You can always find my current email address at my current email page. Once your email is on its way, I ask that you please be patient with me. I’ll respond to your inquiry as soon as I possibly can!