This past week, I replaced my laptop (a 5-year-old Dell Inspiron) with a fresh ‘n’ shiny Toshiba Satellite A665-S6050.
Inherent in this upgrade was my switchover from Windows XP Home, which I loved, to Windows 7 Professional, for which I don’t yet have a verdict.
(No, I never so much as bothered with Vista. In fact, a couple of years ago, I purchased a second Dell laptop for my wife. My first out-of-the-box change? Wipe the hard drive and its Vista operating system, and replace it with a clean, non-OEM-cluttered full version of XP Home.)
However, based on something I just discovered, Windows 7 just got big bonus points in my book. If you’re a power user of the calculator in Windows, as I am, you just gotta love this revamp:

And yes, I am a complete dork.
Denise wrote:
So it tells you what you’ve added, not just the sum? How much of a buffer does it have?
(I find my solar-powered deskmonster more convenient than the windows calculator, but if I can verify what I’ve entered after the fact… This may tip the balance. And I may say goodbye to the deskmonster.)
Michael wrote:
Regarding the buffer: I kept punching in numbers, and it didn’t flinch.
It works more like an adding machine than the Windows calculator I’m used to. Or maybe I just never had my XP-era calculator set correctly. (I like the adding-machine mode better.)
Slava Rybalka wrote:
In my case, the transfer from XP to Win 7 was effortless. I never had Vista though; I moved right into 7. As for the calculator, I also like this cute little feature and once I saw it I had an impression it had been there forever. ;)))