Money Musings is the blog portion of the personal-finance site It’s Your Money. It’s written by Michael (that’s me!), the creator and owner of IYM.
How are Money Musings articles different from those you create for IYM?
Well, because Money Musings is a blog, and because blogs flourish best when there’s reader participation, I try to write Money Musings articles from something of a “read and respond” standpoint. Where IYM articles tend to be about time-tested, basic financial tenets, and are thus more geared to educating my readership, my blog posts lean toward news-oriented items and stories of a more time-sensitive basis. You’ll also find me “fleshing out” larger financial topics on this blog.
For instance, while I have a very in-depth, from-the-ground-up article covering the Freedom Account concept over on IYM, I’ve also written a lot of blog posts that discuss how I’ve implemented my Freedom Account into my household’s financial workings. The blog presents me with an opportunity to spend more time on topics I enjoy, and allows me to delve deeper into items which I believe merit more attention than I’ve already given them on IYM.
You’ll also find me discussing my financial goals (and the progress toward them) pretty often!
How often do you post to the blog?
I have a full-time Day Job in addition to keeping up with IYM and Money Musings. And, of course, I have to meet demands for family time!
So, while I’d love to be able to write at least one new post every day, it’s just not feasible. Instead, I do my best to add at least two new posts every week.
Subscribe to my RSS feed and keep up with new posts as I write them!
If you started blogging in 2002, where are all the older posts?
In 2002, when I started IYM and Money Musings, I opted to utilize the Blogger platform to build content. And from that point until 2010, it worked pretty much okay.
In 2010, however, Blogger stopped offering the capability to publish via FTP. Now, since I’d already been considering moving Musings over to WordPress backend, the decision by Blogger forced my hand. Thus, in early 2010, Money Musings became a WordPress blog.
Rather than deal with the URL changes inherent in converting Blogger-based posts to WordPress-based posts, I decided to leave the vast majority of my pre-2010 posts where they were, URL-wise. You can view the archives of these posts here (monthly archive) and here (category archive). Old posts retain all comments that had been left prior to April, 2010. No new comments are allowed.
Archives for posts after April 2010 can always be found in the right sidebar of all posts in this time period.
For More Info…
For a little more information about me, my site, and why I’ve done all this, please check out the “About” page on the main IYM site.